October 4, 2010

Finding Your Passion

I love the "simple" websites. They have Simple Homeschool, Simple Bites, Simple Kids, Simple Mom and Simple Organic. Something for everyone! 
Side note: Simple Bites has an awesome (on the list to try!) Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe and video with tips!

We are trying to get back on the homeschool train (it is only October!) and Simple Homeschool never ceases to get me inspired. But this time it was for my education and growth. Last week's post What do you want to learn this year? written by Jamie Martin, really struck a chord in me. Go read the article (it will only take a minute, so go!) and come back here...

What am I passionate about? 
That is a loaded question. I am very passionate about literacy. And about translating the Bible into languages that I've never even heard of so that every person has the opportunity to know Jesus! I am passionate about having a good marriage and great family. I am passionate about creating things with my hands and sharing them with people I love. My husband is passionate about one day being a business owner. 

But those are things that I consider myself educated in, if that is the right word. What do I want to learn this year? ME? [shrugging shoulders] I, uh, um, have no clue. 

Let's look more at passion- (I highlighted the ones that pertain to our conversation)

Definition of PASSION (from Merriam-Webster)

often capitalizeda : the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his deathb : an oratorio based on a gospel narrative of the Passion
obsolete : suffering
: the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces
(1) : emotion passion is greed> (2) plural : the emotions as distinguished from reasonb : intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or convictionc : an outbreak of anger
a : ardent affection : loveb : a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or conceptc : sexual desired : an object of desire or deep interest

I think I'm going to have to pray about this. I honestly love a lot of things but having a passion for these things is completely different. I am going to pray that God shows me what He wants me to be passionate about. I could come up with a long list for myself but if God wants me to be passionate about something, then by golly, I better get to it! 

I'll talk about making time another day. Off to focus on passion or maybe my lack thereof. 

What are you passionate about? What is something that you'd love to learn more about that could be a new passion for you? I may be asking for two reasons; 1) I'd really love to know what you're passionate about and 2) I have no idea what I am passionate about.


Blogs said...

I could also come up with a long list. I think it's important to take moments to think about what we want out of life...and to really stand by what we are passionate about. I love our maker and don't find to be that passionate about the bible but more of a passionate friend and daughter who blows a kiss each day, winks or smiles and that i'm content with among other things, (we do chat) We try to live each day to the fullest and be the best we can...:) I could probably write a whole post here so I'll just wish you well and hope that you have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

how are you!This was a really terrific post!
I come from itlay, I was fortunate to look for your Topics in bing
Also I learn much in your theme really thank your very much i will come later

Linda Rae said...

I am very passionate about God. But as for things in life that drive and interest me, that changes. Right now, I have just started blogging a couple of months ago, and that is one of my top passions. Thanks for your post.

Sheena said...

I am passionate about:
1. God and His Word. But I wish I was more passionate about sharing Him and the Bible with others, especially the lost. Losing my non-believing stepdad this year hit hard, and it ignited a passion deep down, yet I haven't let it grow because I don't know quite what to do with it.
2. My husband and children. This passion drives me to continue getting better at home making and parenting, and generally becoming more of the godly wife and mother God has planned for me to be.
3. Homeschooling, no doubt.
4. Health/Nutrition... that's probably obvious from all my fb rants... =)


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