August 31, 2011

I have been so busy!

I am working on some posts of our amazing vacation and some homeschooling but, man, I have been so busy. We are just getting back into the swing of things, hubs is traveling, homeschool started, Bible study started. Whew! Here are a few pictures to get you started, I promise there are more to come and I will do a homeschool post to re-cap our Creation unit on Friday! Thanks for hanging with me.
Skipping rocks and sticks. Susitna River, north of Wasilla, AK.


This was a gorgeous lake on the way south to Seward, AK.

My cuties!

August 26, 2011

Week One:Complete

Joshua working on "f's". 
Our first week of homeschooling is complete! We are halfway through our Creation Unit and I will post pictures of that next week when all is done. Joshua is flying through Math-U-See and really enjoying it. He also likes doing Get Ready for the Code, and I like how it is very balanced and doesn't concentrate only on handwriting or phonics. For more on our curriculum, click here.
I am proud to say that Joshua know all of his upper case letters and sounds, as well as all of his lower case letters. He does mix up b/d and sometimes n/a. But that is ok! I am planning on start Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading in week 3 but that may change.
We will start our daily devotional, Gotta Have God for ages 2-5, in week 3 after our creation unit. The first day of each week I will read the devotion from My ABC Bible Verses to go along with the letter that week.
I am loving The Well-Planned Day to plan what we will do each week. I can check it off and make notes. It makes planning very easy. And I can plan everything in it, including dinners and weekend activities.
I am proud of my boys! And I am proud of our decision to homeschool.
Nikolas with his silly faces, showing his cutting job.

August 22, 2011

The First Day of School

 Special First Day of School Pancakes!
 Pancakes and berries, YUM!

 All ready to go! To the living room... HA!
 Joshua's cool new dinosaur backpack!
My kindergartner! 


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