February 23, 2010

Sacred Marriage

I have just started attending PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) at Fort Meade. PWOC is a women's ministry offered on military bases worldwide. PWOC saved me in Sicily when I was lonely and depressed, 10,000 miles from home. I met women that will be lifelong friends and part of our military family. My life and my heart has changed so much since I started Bible study. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ can be so powerful and awesome. I am truly blessed! Yay God!

The Bible study I have just started is Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. The study itself was developed by a fellow military wife. I've had Sacred Marriage on my shelf for a couple years and was very excited when I saw this as an option.

Each week I will go over a chapter in Sacred Marriage, using the study questions. I would love to have discussion about the study/book, you can do it along with me or if you've read it before.

See you soon with Chapter One!


J&J said...

I have that on my self too. Chaplain Rummery gave it to me. Let me know how it is....I haven't started it yet either!

Cute new blog BTW! Love the design. I spotted the turtles and knew you had designed it!

emegren said...

Thanks! The book so far is great. We're talking about expectations right now...


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